Pedro the Puerto Rican Parrot
This month sees the virtual launch of this gorgeous new children’s picture book – Pedro the Puerto Rican Parrot. The story is the first in a seven-book series – Together We Can Change the World - all about children and endangered animals.
We are honoured that author Beverly Jatwani has chosen to donate her proceeds from sales of the books to WVI. This is a beautiful and uplifting project to be part of, and we are so excited to join Beverley, illustrator Sunita Chawdhary, and Little Steps Publishing on the journey.
The first book tells the story of how Pedro is nursed back to health by a young boy, Dominic, after being left injured on the doorstep of his local animal rescue centre. There is a very clear message at its heart, about the importance of caring for the animals and nature around us, and that we still have time to save species, as long as we act now.
The Puerto Rican parrot is one of the rarest birds on the planet, with only around 600 left in the wild and in breeding programmes. Their decline is largely due to loss of habitat through deforestation.
Beverley felt inspired to write these stories after witnessing how easily children engage with nature and hopes that through them she will be able to “take children on their own journey to discover how even little people can make a positive impact on our planet and all living things through love, compassion and gratitude”.
If you know someone who would enjoy the book, or have a young child or grandchild you could read it to, it’s available to order now from, Amazon (remember to order through AmazonSmile and select WVI as your chosen charity!), WH Smith and Waterstones. Find out more here:
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