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Taking on the Chiltern Challenge 2025

Excutive Director Olivia Walter writes:

I walked 50km in a day across the Chilterns 18 months ago to raise funds for Wildlife Vets International. As their Executive Director, I know what an amazing job we do!! However, my motivation was more to do with supporting the team of Wildlife Warriors that our then Fundraising Director, Angela, had put together for the 2023 Chiltern Ultra Challenge. Where practical, we believe that you shouldn’t ask someone else to do something difficult unless you’d be willing to have a go at doing it yourself!

It was an epic day – I loved every moment of it. I love a challenge like this because of the humanity and good spirit it brings out in people when faced with something tough. Everyone walks at different paces and our Wildlife Warrior Team split into several factions. Those that ran went ahead at the start. I started to yomp with WVI patron Steve Leonard and his wife Cathy who wanted to do it in under 7 hours to be back for the rugby! After 7km I gave up trying to walk at their pace, realising I wouldn’t make all 50km if I did. Fortunately fellow Warrior, Fiona, wasn’t that far behind me.

Then we got in the zone. We overtook and were overtaken by the same people, and our conversation each time we passed didn’t vary too much from mutual encouragement. Sometimes we learnt about the other charities that were being supported and why fellow challengers had chosen them. Towards the end, when it got dark, and we were walking on automatic pilot, not daring to stop in case we couldn’t start again, the encouragement from fellow challengers and marshalls was vital. Reunited with our fellow Wildlife Warriors at the finish, we were all very glad of a massage before retreating back to our hotel to celebrate …. with a hot shower and a bath. The real celebration was the following morning when we hobbled to breakfast and ate as much as we could!

More recently, in September 2024 I went to support the students who had come out to run and walk the Chilterns Challenge for WVI and while I shared their joy and their achievement, I was disappointed that I wasn’t doing it myself. My parents met me in Henley and we walked along part of the route and met some of the challengers along the way. My parents loved the camaraderie and the chat and the scenery; so much so that my mother has signed up to walk 25km in 2025 with my father pledging to be her support crew. At 78, this will be quite an achievement for someone who, although she admittedly likes walking, tends to stick to distances below 5km!

Part of the bargain was that I signed up too. I had thought that 25km might not really stretch me, but reminded myself that this is my mother’s challenge – not mine! HOWEVER ….

A couple of weeks ago all that changed in an instant, when I sprained a key ligament (aren’t they all?) in my foot playing netball. I now have to keep my foot immobile, non-weight bearing, for TWELVE interminable weeks. Suddenly 25km in September looks like a very different kind of challenge, but it is a huge motivation to adhere to my recovery plan. Watch this space!

Would you like to be part of the wider WVI Wildlife Warrior team this year? The Chilterns 50 is run by Ultra Challenges, who have a whole range of options, in terms of location and distance. And you really don’t need to run – jogging and walking are just fine.

You can see all the 2025 events here  

Please contact us if you are interested in signing up and becoming a WVI Wildlife Warrior. We would love to welcome you to the team!