The Captain Tom 100 Challenge
Following the outpouring of heartfelt messages since Captain Sir Tom Moore's death on the 2 February this year, his family pledged to celebrate his life with an event that everyone around the world, of all ages and abilities, can get involved in to celebrate his generosity, hope and sense of fun - the Captain Tom 100 Challenge.
Friday 30 April would have been Captain Sir Tom's 101st birthday and is the one-year anniversary of the extraordinary celebrations that followed the conclusion of his fundraising walk that raised an incredible £38.9 million for the NHS Covid-19 appeal. We are inviting you, your family and friends to take part in Captain Tom 100 from Friday 30 April (Captain Tom's 101th birthday) to Monday 3 May 2021 to celebrate Captain Sir Tom Moore's amazing achievements and to raise vital funds for WVI.
Get involved
You can choose any activity that involves the 100 and do it any time and any where from Friday 30 April to Monday 3 May (inclusive). Your 100 could be walking 100 steps or running 100 metres, scoring 100 goals, baking 100 cakes, climbing 100 stairs, hopping 100 laps of the garden, building 100 sandcastles, flipping 100 pancakes, writing a 100 word poem - anything at all, inside (check the Covid rules) or outside.
Click here for more ideas.
It's your chance to do it your way.
Fundraise or donate
Once you've decided what you're doing, you can fundraise for or donate to WVI and share your 100 on social media using #CaptainTom100 and #WildlifeVets.
Find out more at
Set up your fundraising page or donate through Virgin Money Giving or JustGiving.
We hope you will join the thousands of people around the world taking partin the Captain Tom 100 Challenge to celebrate the extraordinary legacy of Captain Sir Tom Moore and spread his message of hope that inspired the nation and rallied us in a time of need.
“Tomorrow will be a good day!”